You can find the Alutech foundry at the address Industrijska cesta 1 in Grosuplje.
How to find us:
Take the off-ramp for Grosuplje and Šmarje-Sap from the highway (it is the first exit while travelling from Ljubljana whereas it is the second exit when travelling from Novo mesto); head straight for approximately 2 km (past the G-M&M company and the Mercator supermarket). After arriving at the traffic sign "Grosuplje," turn right, cross the railroad and then turn left. Follow the railroad all the way to the Giaflex company. Take a right turn before this company to enter a large yard. You will find the Prosistemprint company (they will also have three flags posted in front of their company). Again, take a right turn before this company (along their fence). The first company on the right hand side is Alutech d.o.o.